From our home to yours ~ Happy Holidays!!!Below is the huge snowblower that is clearing the highway in front of our home. Jim was wishing he could swing up our driveway. Yeah right!

Photo above is our son Andy standing on the drift as high as his pickup in our driveway. Below is the front of our home with me and our DIL Jami waving at Andy from the warmth of the living room. :)

This is hubby Jim standing in the backyard next to drift as tall as he is! Ber is our grandpuppy ~ a German Wirehair with *lots* of personality! BER loves the snow! Check out Andy's pickup buried in our driveway... oh my!

Below is the view out our kitchen window... the screen makes it look strange, but you get the idea...that's the deck railing in the front and the black around the photo is the snow swirled around the window. And yes, that is the snow shovel buried in the drift. Good place for it, huh? LOL

What's the weather like where you are? Love hearing from you all! Debbie & Gail...sounds like you got it good too!! Stay warm & cozy! I think I'm going to clean up some of the Christmas clutter and play with my new DROID. Omg, I think I need a tutorial!
Snowy Smiles 2 U All and Warm Hugs 2!Quote for Today ~
The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches.
~e.e. cummings
I almost hate to say it after looking at the photos but you asked.....We have partly cloudy weather today in the mid 70's. We are having a cold front! Thursday the kids were running around outside bare footed shorts and T shirts! Got to love south Florida!
Denise Wells
YIKES!! Heat wave here in Oregon at 32°! No snow right now either!
YIKES!! At least you had a white Christmas- but wOw that is a lot of snow!
Loved the photos - they look like our neck of the woods! Finally, made it to town (we live 9 miles in the country) to celebrate Christmas with my parents & sister. Will TRY to go to Colorado tomorrow (Sat). My daughter is getting soooo excited for us to come - hope she isn't disappointed that we won't make it another day :( Have a wonderful weekend, Pam - Love coming to visit your blog.
You crazy Nebraskans! I've got to admit that I really enjoyed being in Nebraska for the holiday blizzard. But don't know how you live in it all winter long! Looking forward to getting back to warm Arizona! Hope you and your family had a great Christmas, Pam !!!
Yikes! I'm going stir crazy! Need to get outside - tomorrow is Sunday isn't it? I wrote that it was Saturday!
Oh my! Stay safe and warm. I'm sure you'll have a lot of family bonding time.
Well, I'm pretty much sure our weather is closely alike. LOL! Although we didn't get that much snow. DH dug us out yesterday and we are going to try to go to his parents in Broken Bow for Christmas today. We have no idea what the roads are like, so may be coming back home.
Wow, nothing like a little weather excitement to give Christmas holiday some spice! I enjoyed seeing your pictures. We've had beautiful blue skies and dry days. Quite unusual here in the rainy Northwest. I took advantage of it and went for a winter walk taking pictures with my new camera. You will have to check out my latest blog post to see the pics!
Oh boy, did you ever get snowed in Pam!! Zoiks, glad you had a great Christmas though.
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