January 24, 2010

Celebrating 3 Years of Blogging! *Blog Candy!*

It's my 3rd Blog-iversary! 
I can hardly believe I've been blogging for 3 years already!
Time flies when you're havin' FUN!

My first two posts were on January 27th, 2007.  I've copied the first post below because it's such a special memory for me.  I had the exciting opportunity to meet an online stamping friend in person!  Dori and I had become online friends at PaperCrafts (anyone remember their message board???) so when hubby and I went to visit our daughter in Hawaii in January 2007, I was able to meet up with Dori too!   She was the Hawaiian "hostess with the mostess" as she took me to lunch and then shopping at a couple of her favorite rubber stamp/scrapbooking stores.  Not only that, I remember her giving me this big bag of Hawaiian goodies and a special treat box of chocolates she had stamped just for me! What a Sweetie!

Our daughter isn't living there anymore, but I hope to get back to Oahu to visit Dori sometime.  We do stay in touch and enjoy swapping cards with one another.  She sent me a terrific Happy New Year card last week and I have a Valentine ready to send her.  {Happy Hi and hugs 2 U Dori, if you're reading this today!}

If you want to see the first three cards I posted, please click here but you have to promise you won't laugh out loud!  :)   Seriously! I've learned so much in the past three years and like to think I've improved my cardmaking skills too.  Much of what I've learned has been from all of YOU and I appreciate you all more than you know! 

As I looked back at some of my older posts, I noticed how styles change and various embellishments go from "hot" to not.  :)   There was a time when decorative brads and eyelets were all the rage and then prima flowers.  I'm so glad I didn't buy every color!   For awhile I was doing a lot of  "doodling" around the images on my cards and now it's stitching.  I recall when it was very popular to color images with prismacolor pencils and now Copic markers are the choice.  As for stamps, I started stamping with STAMPIN' UP! but have used many different brands and love them all!
In celebration of my 3rd Blogiversary,
I want to offer up some
to three (3) lucky blog readers!  

To qualify, simply leave a comment on this post and tell me how long you've been stamping/blogging and if you like, please leave your blog address so I can visit you!  Also, it would be great if you would share a cardmaking memory such as what I've shared with you.  On January 27th at 8pm, I will draw three (3) names at random and post the winners here!  Good Luck 2 U All! 

If not for all of YOU, my friends, I'm sure this blog would have fizzled out long ago.  Yes, I have a passion for rubber stamping and cardmaking, but the JOY comes in sharing it with others.  It's such a blessing to know you're out there and your friendly words and encouraging comments are what motivate me to keep on stampin' it up!

Happy Stamping & Smiles 2 U All!

To LOVE what we do
and SHARE what we love,
as we help others enjoy CREATIVITY
and worthwhile accomplishments. . . .
in this we make a DIFFERENCE.
~ Stampin' Up! Statement of the Heart


Denise said...

"I have been stamping about 4 years now, blogging 2 but scrapboking for almost 12 years! Thanks for the chance and congrats!

Denise Wells

Unknown said...

Thanks for chance to win some FAB-u-lous items... I started out SB ten years ago than was introduced to Stamping four years ago, as for blogging hmm, BRB.... OK, Found the answer, I just hit my ONE year on the 21st January and didn't even know it. Silly me..
Congrats to you...

Joanne said...

Pam, congrats on your 3rd year blogaversary. I have to tell you that as I was cleaning off my "inspiration corkboard" today, I found a beautiful Hawaiian card you had sent to me. I just love all your creations and use them as my inspiration. Please keep us the good work. Joanne

Suzi said...

Hmmm, how long HAVE I been stamping?? I think since 2001. I borrowed a friends stamps to do something & heat embossed. I was HOOKED!!

WOW! I went back & checked & MY 3 year blog anniversary is this week too! Hmmm, maybe I should get some blog candy ready?

akagreenhouse said...

I think I started stamping in about 1997 or 98. I have slacked off stmaping lately, due to starting back to work (stupid economy) but I still enjoy it when I can.

Kimmy said...

I enjoyed seeing your work! I always loved your stuff on the Shack:) I started scrapbooking about 9 years ago (has it been that long already??) and about 4 or 5 years ago my friend got me into stamping and i've been addicted since. I started blogging almost 2 years ago, but haven't been up to posting as much as I would like.

I guess one of my favorite crafting memories is the first time I met some of my Shack friends in person. It is always amazing how we click like we have been getting together forever. I have a few that I am very close with and see quite often. I feel so blessed to have made such wonderful friends and cherish all their friendships.


mcourtney said...

Congrats on the 3 years, Pam!. I remember you from PCMB and the Shack. I still lurk at the Shack. I always enjoy your work. Hugs!


Sue from Oregon said...

Hey Pam...Congrats on the blogoversary! I have been stamping seriously for about 10 years and blogging for almost 2! I know what you mean about trends...funny somethimes to see the changes but love what I have learned from the internet and blogs such as yours!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on three great years. So exciting! I have been stamping since 1994, and consider myself a Stampin' Up super fan. I am an oldie from PCMB, and everytime I see a smilyface I always think of you, and wonder if you have it in your collection. Thanks for the opportunity to win such fabulous stuff.

Katie Skiff said...

Congrats Pam!! I am glad you are blogging, you are so very talented!! I have been stamping for about 10 years...I had some SU stamps when they were foam!! I started scrapping then as well. I have also been blogging about 3.5 years.
Thanks for offering up the yummy goodies!!

Crystal said...

Congrats Pam on 3 years...wow, what great candy you are offering!

Cindi said...

wow. 3 years already?? I remember your meeting with Dori, and how excited I was to hear of my online stamping friends meeting up!!! I have been so happy that so many of the PCMBers came over to teh stamp shack, as the shack is so much better and I have come to know so many great women even better..including you.! happy blogsaversary dear smuileycollector!

Unknown said...

holy cow, pam...what a fantastic milestone! you know i love you, lady! :) hard to believe, but i have been stamping on and off for five years, and i've had my blog for 2-1/2 years. it has been such a wonderful experience, and i wish you only great things in the years to come...you are such an amazing artist!



Linzy said...

Happy anniversary, Pam! Your blog is one of my favorite stops-I remember awhile back when you quit blogging-I was so glad when you started posting again! Hopefully we'll be able to meet in person someday. Make sure you let me know if you do another stamp class-if I know ahead of time perhaps I can plan a road trip! I've been stamping about 4 years now-off and on. I started stamping because of the papercrafts website! I used to be heavily into scrapbooking-now it's just the opposite. I remember the very first card I made for someone-it was for Erin K when her FIL died... The thing I love about card making is the smiles the bring to people. Seriously, who doesn't like getting a handmade card in the mail? I love knowing that perhaps I made someone's day a little bit brighter. Congrats on your three year blogiversary! :) May you have many more years of blogging ahead!

Shelley said...

Happy Blogversary, Pam! Don't those years go by fast? I have been at it for 1 year & nine months .... approximately! My best friend has been a scrapbooker and stamper for MANY years. She would invite me to every stamp camp her demonstrator had. I wasn't interested in another hobby. Well, she caught me on a good day and I decided to go to a Halloween stamp camp. Of course I was hooked! Within 10 months that demo quit and my friend talked ME into becoming a demo! So, if my math is right, I've been stamping for about 3 1/2 years. All my other hobbies have taken a back seat to stamping!

None None said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've been stamping for about 2.5 years now. I don't have a blog though. I have learned that you don't have to buy everything that comes out - take your time and learn your style. Right now, I'm purging my collection and getting rid of things that I bought when I was first starting out and thought I had to have this or that.

Swamp Tulip said...

Congratulations Pam! I started stamping in September 2002 ... our baby had just gone off to college, my DH was away on a business trip, and I was bored to tears. While I was running errands I stumbled upon a tiny LSS in a neighboring town. They were closed but when I called for their hours the owner answered and mentioned they had a class that evening. I went to that class and the rest is history :0)!

Happy Stamping!


Loobylou said...

Happy Blog-i-versary to the "Queen of Green". Pam, even though we live a world apart we have shared our love of stamping thru the "Stamp-Shack" and I have loved reading your thoughts and seeing your beautifully put together cards.Infact, my favourites section is full of your cards. I'd absolutely love to win the felt flowers, since i know they'd be lighter for you to mail... Thanks for sharing

DebbieG said...

Happy Blog Anniversary !!!! I have been stamping for a little over 5 yrs now. Time flies when you are having FUN !!! I have been scrapbooking a couple yrs before stamping. Love your blog. Thank you for the chance to win your blog candy.

PamSpradlin said...

I started scrapbooking about 6 years ago and have only been stamping for the probably the past 2 years. I love looking at blogs to see what other people are doing and to also get some inspiration. I think that I have been lurking at your blog for about 6 months now...I can't remember how I found it...but I am glad that I put it under my favorites because I do enjoy looking at your work.

Susan G said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I didn't realize you'd been blogging that long. I've been a subscriber for over a year so I need to go back and read some of those earlier posts. I've been stamping for about 5 years, but no blog. I just love looking at other's work. Thanks for offering candy for some of us lucky folks.

Unknown said...

Love your blog. I am so addicted to stamping. I use to scrapbook, but cards are now my true passion. congrats on the 3 yrs. I wish you many more. Thanks for offering blog candy. I sure do hope that I get the chance to win one of your give aways.

Unknown said...

I forgot to say how long I been doing this. I don't have my own web site but I have been view different blogs for around 2yrs and absolutley love it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your three years. I started a blog over a year ago but I am not as dedicated as you are to keeping up with it - www.jusastampin.blogspot.com

I keep saying I am going to do better but life just gets in the way! An excuse, I know and I will get better!

I mostly like doing gifts and home decor items and I guess I need to refocus!

Thanks for the opportunity to win and I love your projects!

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

Happy Blogaversary Pam! I have been stamping for 13 years and blogging for 3? I don't remember and now need to go check. LOL!

It's fun to see where we've been and how far we've come. Ü

My story: My g'ma had breast cancer and was a VERY creative lady. Not being able to do much of anything she became discouraged and I had just learned rubber stamping. She couldn't stamp as she didn't have much strength in her right arm due to the masectomy, but she could color. So I stamped and stamped and stamped and she colored. Doing that simple thing brought life back to her (literally) and she also gained strength that she might not have otherwise. It was so much fun to create together. She is gone now, but the memories will last forever.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are some great stories here about people taking up stamping. I felt obligated to go to a neighbor's first open house and was the only one who showed. I left with a stomachache because I knew I'd found a passion right away AND I knew it was gonna cost me! That was about 8 years ago and I've been stamping, spending, and blogging since!

Lauren said...

Thanks for the great chance to win! I just started stamping about 6 months ago, so I'm always searching blogs for inspiration. Not only am I enjoying making cards, but I'm really starting to get into finding Home Decor items, etc. Congrats@

carpediem said...

I have been stamping for approximately 9 years and love to make cards and other papercrafted items! Have subscribed to your blog for some time now and enjoy seeing your work! Congrats on your blog anniversary! laura j

Random Memories said...

I recently started stamping (within the past year), but I have been scrapbooking for years. I'm now learning to incorporate stamps into my scrapbook layouts and I love to do this. I started making cards about 6 months ago and when I get started, I go a little crazy. It's a great scrapbooking fix for me. If I had a hobby room, I would do more. Right now it's my DR table and it gets a little cluttered when I'm in the middle of a project. I love your blog. Congratulations on 3 years. I recently started a blog:
www.scrappinjulie.blogtspot.com Check it out if you'd like!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely blog candy! That's always fun!

Alex said...

Congrats Pam!!! Don't enter me in the drawing, just wanted to say hello!! And, I love our card below, looks fabulous with those new yummy papers! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Mary said...

Wow 3 years, that is wonderful. I have had a blog for almost that amount of time also. I think it will be 3 years in March. I have been stamping for about 9 years now. Still love it and have so much fun with it and enjoying peoples creativity!

CreativeMish said...

I think I started blogging in spring of 2007 too... now I'm curious! Ok.. just looked and it was July of 2007. :) I've been stamping for probably around 6 years? I can't remember... Time flies you know! I remember attending a SU party and buying a stamp set and a black ink pad. When I got them I didn't have a clue .. I didn't even think about paper, colors, etc. It took me a few parties before I had enough supplies. I wish I had picture of some of my first cards! I'm sure I would die laughing now. I too have learned alot from reading others blogs.

Gail S. said...

Congratulations Pam!!! I became addicted to blogs about a year ago! I currently don't have a blog because of I already don't have enough hours in my day but I love reading others (I too, learn sooooo much from you all!) Debbie Fisher was a Stampin Up! Demonstrator many moons ago and she was the one who got me started with stamps and cards. She had a card club where she had a theme for each month and we would make several of the same card and exchange with the group. Well, I still have some of those cards I made and they were so simple and so plain! I hope I have gotten better :)

Gayle said...

Congratulations Pam on coming up with such wonderful creative inspiration for three years! I've been blogging for about two years and I've been down several different trails with it. I've learned so much, and met wonderful kindred spirits. My favorite card I made was the birth announcements for our first granddaughter. We have a new one on the way in early fall, so I have to come up with something wonderful by then! Congratulations!

Carrie's Corner said...

Hi Pam! It's Carrie over in Tekamah. It has been ages. I was so happy to have come across your blog. Congrats on your anniversary! I had to laugh because you are having an anniversary and I finally just started (literally just yesterday) a blog. I haven't gotten very far but want to start participating in some challenges so decided it was time. Now I just have to jazz it up and get some entries added. It's a little sad at the moment. Here's a link http://www.paperglitterstamps.blogspot.com
Maybe one of these days we can get together again. We get up there every once in a while. I'll let you know if I am headed that way and maybe we can have lunch.

Take care and great blog!!

Thanh Vo said...

I love the Dori story and remember when you originally posted it! Hmm... how long have I been blogging... I think since 2007? Been making cards, I think 2004? To many more years of friendship, blogging and paper crafting!

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Pam! Happy blogaversary! That's about 2 years and 10 months more than me lol. I started stamping when I was really young when my mom bought me my first clear butterfly stamp. That was probably over 20 years ago and I always wondered why they never made clear stamps anymore until I started getting back into stamping (couple months ago). Now clear stamps are the big thing. I still have the stamp although it has turned yellow and is starting to fall off the acrylic block (it was originally glued onto the block) but it still works perfectly!!
Not really a cardmaking memory but sort of close lol. Thanks for doing this giveaway and I look forward to seeing your creations!

Marisa said...

Congrats on three years of blogging. I wish I'd jumped on the band wagon earlier, but must say I have thoroughly enjoyed it for the first half year :D Love seeing your samples for Mercy's Tuesday sketches. Best wishes for another fabulous year of blogging and thanks for the chance to win :D

LesleyfromWI said...

I have been stamping about 3 years and blogging about 6 months. I have learned so much from blogging and cannot believe how creative everyone is! Thanks for a chance to win!

Jean H. said...

Gosh, you are really making me think back...I believe I was first introduced to stamping about 14 years ago (but I don't do a lot of it). I then started scrapbooking about 4 years after that. I am so behind in the books, but continue to work on them. My goal was always to have them caught up for graduation -- my son graduates in June and I only have him through 2002...HELP! I do not have a blog; work too many jobs and kids' activities to do that, but really enjoy looking at everyone's and getting great ideas. Congrats to you!

kksb said...

I have been seriously stamping for less than a year. So far my favorite cardmaking memory was making a card for my daughter on her birthday. I really like that border punch you want to give away.

Kendall B

Nancy Jo said...

Pam - Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I have been a stamp owner for close to 15 years I think, but have not reached anything close to your abilities yet! I created a blog in July 2007 and made only one generic post before abandoning it! NancyJo

JoanneR said...

I have been stamping for 15 years. I was in a gift shop and they had a small corner with a few stamps. The lady showed me heat embossing and I was hooked. My first purchase was a few stamps and embossing powder to make Christmas tags. I used a metal pan over my stove element to heat the powder - a fire hazard I'm sure.
I love your blog and want to thank you for sharing your wonderful creations with us loyal blog readers!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've been stamping on and off for 12 years... and love it! I don't think I have any interesting stories... haven't met any of my blog friends in real life... but I do have some awesome stamping friends in my area. :o) TFS!

shuggy said...

happy blogiversary pam! your blog makes me smile whenever i visit!! here's to the next 3 years!!