How's this for a random post? :)
Thanks so much for blogging by today! Your comments are always appreciated and brighten my day. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend filled with many reasons to SMILE!
When I had my cast removed on Tuesday, my daughter Katie asked me to take photos so she could see what my ankle looked like. I won't gross you out with photos of the incision, but here is closeup I took of the x-ray screen. You can clearly see the stainless steel plate and 7 screws. I wish I had a copy of the original x-ray, as you can tell how my ankle bone was moved back into place.

Now, onto a much more relevant topic... look at how my new Stamping Room is taking shape!!! I love it! Again, this wouldn't have happened if not for my sweet DIL Jami who moved EVERYTHING up from downstairs so I could stamp again! Well, hubby & son moved the desks and shelves, but Jami has made countless trips up and down the stairs moving all my STUFF!!! And I know she spent at least 2 hours just organizing the stamps on the shelves above my desk. The shelves are a little high, so I'll have to use a step stool to reach them, but for now I'm using a "grabber" that one of our friends gave me when we borrowed their walker. I may just have to get my own little "stamp grabber". LOL

Now, onto a much more relevant topic... look at how my new Stamping Room is taking shape!!! I love it! Again, this wouldn't have happened if not for my sweet DIL Jami who moved EVERYTHING up from downstairs so I could stamp again! Well, hubby & son moved the desks and shelves, but Jami has made countless trips up and down the stairs moving all my STUFF!!! And I know she spent at least 2 hours just organizing the stamps on the shelves above my desk. The shelves are a little high, so I'll have to use a step stool to reach them, but for now I'm using a "grabber" that one of our friends gave me when we borrowed their walker. I may just have to get my own little "stamp grabber". LOL
Just so you can fully appreciate all the work Jami did...this is what the room looked like when she started....
Seriously!! Do you think I have a problem? :)

I'm not sure how many of you know about my extensive smiley face collection. It started years ago at work and I guess you could say it grew out of hand. (I know my kids think so!) But, I have SO many wonderful stories and memories that go along with it all. :) Anyway, it was taking up an entire bedroom on our main floor and Jami packed all of this up into boxes and totes. Well, I do still have a few things here in my new stamping room, but most of it is packed up. When I can get back downstairs again, I may convert my old stamp room into the new "Smiley Room". And then again, maybe I will try to donate some of it to a good cause. Time will tell!
Thanks so much for blogging by today! Your comments are always appreciated and brighten my day. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend filled with many reasons to SMILE!
Quote for Today ~ "It is almost impossible to SMILE on the outside without feeling better on the inside." - unknown
I came here from LeAnne's site. I don't have a stamp blog. I have a humor blog and when I put photos of my cards on my site, there's always a list of people wanting the card. That makes me GLOW!
If you like smiley faces THAT much, keep going for it. I love ROOSTERS, but I don't have the room that you do, so I have to be happy with ten roosters.
I'm sure that if you ever WANT to give them away, the children's floor at your local hospital would probably love them.
Pam - Glad to read that you are getting better and what a great new stamping space! (your DIL is wonderful for helping you) I really need to find time to organize my stamping/scrapping space - never enough hours in the day. Enjoy the weekend!!
How exciting that you're feeling up to stamping, Pam! Your DIL sounds like a gem! I got a kick out of your smiley face collection! WOW!
This is great, Pam.
I love how your new stamp room is coming along.
I am "impressed" with that Smiley collection...I guess you've earned that forum name for sure!
Glad you're feeling better!
Hey Pam!!! Glad you got your cast off!! Wow! That is some x-ray! Your smiley collection is UNBELIEVABLE!!! My SIL likes smileys too....I will have to show her your pics! She will flip!
Well---just wanted to say that I hope your ankle is really feeling better. I've been meaning to send you a card, but for some reason I haven't been successful at that yet. In my next life I'm going to be a better card sender. LOL
Happy Stamping!!!
Hi Pam,
So glad to hear you've got the cast off. That certainly is one scary looking xray! You have one very special DIL! Enjoy your new stamping room and hope to see some of your awesome creations soon!
What a wonderful DIL you have to make all those trips. Ü I look forward to seeing what you create since your stamping stuff is close to you. There is nothing like stamping for therapy. Ü
Oh wow! You definitely have a great family to do something so thoughtful for you! My husband and son (well, he was a preschooler, so he attempted to help, but mostly, he followed Daddy with his plastic Home Depot drill to redrill all the screws that were already drilled in to make sure it would hold the weight of heavy stamping, hammering, and even climbing on the desk, if necessary, to reach the high shelves above.....we have cathedral ceilings and I asked DH to put the shelving all the way up! :>) built my craft wall for me in our bedroom when I gave up the last bedroom for my youngest's nursery. It really is a very sweet memory of the work they did for me. .....I'm so glad to see your smiley collection finally!!! I've heard about it at the Shack, but had not seen it. Very impressive!! :>:>
P.S. I seem to have different names everywhere....I'm TiikkiStars at the Shack!
heehee, no problem as far as I can tell Pam - everything looks FABULOUS!!!! How sweet that Jami is helping you!!! I love your smilie collection, it makes me, well, smile - LOL! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
WOW!!!!! Pam! What a fantastic transformation! From Smilies to Smiles! What a great room!!!! Certainly hard to not smile when you see both!
I have an ankle that looks a little bit like that.. I have two screw. I used to have a long one right through the middle but I knocked it loose playing soccer in my younger years so they removed it...
Your room looks so fun and happy! Love all the smiley's!
You have the best DIL ever, well actually your whole family is wonderful. Love that they are all working together to make your room perfect. That smiley room is something else. I was just thinking that if you wanted to donate to a worthy cause, you could auction off all or part of the collection on ebay and advertise what you are raising funds for. Of course I'm not saying you should sell them, just an idea.
Your DIL is SO SWEET for helping out to set up your stamping "Quarters"... I'm so happy for you! Plus your smiley room is just adorable... I'm always signing my name with a smiley face and online.... :) (HE!)
Hi Pam, Hope your healing looks like you're having a good time though by all of your recent blog posts! What an awesome DIL you have! That's really sweet of her. Now, you gotta tell me where you got those shelves for your stamps, or did someone make them? I love how your new room is shaping up!
Hi, Pam! Just "discovered" your blog from a link on Nancy Riley's blog, and I need to thank her! Love your work. So, this is what my ankle looks like, too. Broke both leg bones at the ankle, and have a plate and eight screws -- well, they took half out before PT. I stepped in a pot hole in Venice. Long story...
Hope you are healing nicely by now. I copied the photo of your CD/punch rack for my DH. What a great idea your DIL had -- she must be a gem! I am blessed in that dept. too.
Looking forward to following your blog. Especially love the I.C.U. card! Do you know who makes that image stamp?
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