January 12, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow!

Isn't this cartoon hilarious?! I guess I can relate. :) I've been feeling a bit deflated this week after finding out I didn't make another stamping/blogging design team. Can't you just hear Maxine telling me to "Get a Life!" :)

You all know how much I love stamping and cardmaking, but I'm thinking I may just need to take a little break from blogging for awhile. I’m spending far too much time with it and I really should take care of a few other projects I’ve wanted to get done for a long time. . . such as our family scrapbooks.

This morning I have an appointment for a haircut & color and a pedicure. I think a little extra pampering is just what the doctor ordered!

Keep Smiling & Happy Stamping dear friends! :)

Song for Today ~
[lyrics from Annie - "Tomorrow"]

The sun'll come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow 'til there's none!
When I'm stuck a day that's gray, and lonely,
I just stick out my chin and grin, and say,
Oh! The sun'll come out tomorrow
So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow
Come what may tomorrow!
Tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow!
You're always a day a way! :)
ETA - Sunday, 1-13-08
It's a beautiful SUNNY day! :) Thank you all for your sweet comments and words of encouragment! I'm over my "pity party" now and spent the day cleaning up and organizing my stamping room. I'll be back to posting soon! Hugs & Smiles, Pam :)


Dottie K. said...

Pam your work is amazing. Don't let that get you down. Would love to see some of your scrapbook pages since I'm a scrapbooker also. Have fun today! :)

Anonymous said...

Pam, Your work is always gorgeous! If it helps I do know how your feeling. If you ever want to chit chat just drop me a note.

I do like your funny :)

Heather Grow said...

I love your cartoon Pam. Super funny. I have to tell you that I recently bought a stamp set from Sherri because it reminded me of a stamp set that you use. I told Sherri that I wanted it because "I want to be just like Pam when I grow up." She said, "hey, I want to be just like Pam too. Maybe I shouldn't sell this set." So, you have fans Pam.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam
if i had a design team, i would pick you. Your work is BEAUTIFUL.
Don't let it get you down.

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

I always enjoy your blog. Your cards are so creative. That's why I just had to tag you. So, tag, you're it.

Lesa said...

I am sorry you are feeling down Pam. I am quite perplexed as to the denial again. It makes no sense whatsoever to me. You are amazing - not just in talent but spirit. Do what makes you happy/fulfilled. I'll miss you while you're gone. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Pam don;t let that get you down, your work is always amazing and among my favorites. The right one will come along, and you will make that company very happy with your work.
Thanks for the Maxine, she is always good for a chuckle.

Nancy Riley said...

Pam, you watch ... the PERFECT fit of a design team will come your way, I'm sure of it! You are quite talented, and don't you dare think otherwise for a single second! PLEASE keep on stampin'!

Tami Bayer said...

I adore the comic you shared with us. Do whatever you need to keep the creativity flowing. Enjoy the process, the rest will come in due time. I hope your day of pampering perked you back up.

Becky said...

*sniff-sniff* being without your daily postings saddens me. But I am with everyone else when they say--do what you NEED to do. I think your work is uber amazing and I t-totally am inspired by all that you do. Am keeping you bookmarked so when you come back to us I wont miss you.

In my prayers

Misty said...

We'll miss you. Love your amazing work.

Amy Sheffer said...

Hi Pam, I'm so glad to have found you via the sweet, sweet comment you left on my blog today! Don't let the DT weigh on you. I looked back through a few of your recent posts, and your work is incredible! I agree with the others, your day is comin'. Love how you've been trying out the different styles (vintage, funky, urban chic). I'd say you've nailed them! Very cool.

Maria said...

Hi Pam, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't make it on the design teams but don't let it define your view of your work or any reflection of your talent. Your work is beautiful and you are very talented. They may just be looking for something specific.

Blogging can take up a lot of time and sometimes we tend to set aside other things that need to be done. I think it's important to have a balance. Blogging should be a time out from other things in life and not the other way around.

I agree with Maxine. . .one must live a life in order to blog about it!!

Hope to see you back soon! Enjoy your break!!


Anonymous said...

Pam I check your blog everyday and it is wonderful never let anyone or anything make you feel different it just the jan. blues setting in please continue your creativity for everyone!!!! Leslie

Alex said...

Pam, you do amazing and beautiful work - don't let it get you down! I know EXACTLY how you feel, but I have learned to let it slide. I visit your blog everyday and I am never disappointed! I will miss you if you don't blog but totally understand what you mean about time. Keep smilin' girl! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

shuggy said...

don't these people realize what they are missing??

there is a dt that is just waiting for you. don't worry, friend. keep trying!!! your work is too amazing to not be recognized!!!

your blog is so amazing and uplifting...but do what you need to do! we'll be here when you come back if you take a break!!!

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Pam, I can relate to this and with your feelings completely! I too didn't make yet another design team I applied to. It is disappointing.

But you know what? We WILL bounce back. You are so talented. I'm one of your biggest fans. I suppose in a way I use your blog as a design team feature artist. Does that make sense?

Well, you ARE the best.

Hugs to you!
~ Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam
thinking of you. You rock woman. I miss you and I'm sorry I haven't been writing to you or mailing u a card but I will.

Your work is a+
don't be sad. I love that Maxine funny...Her message is so true and very powerful..A person can get sucked in from the Internet just reading blogs not to mention all the enabling that goes on and online shopping and reg. shopping blah blah blah... I think you are a stamping rockstar.

Ethel Amutan said...

Pam, I LOVE you attitude! It's their loss that you didn't make the team. But, you know what? It means God has bigger and better things in store for you. I'm a believer that things happen for a reason! Take care my friend, and keep smiling!

Michele Kovack said...

Totally their loss! I think you are one amazing and talented person!!! Don't let it get you down! Hugs!

Sherri Thacker said...

Don't let that get you down and please don't quit blogging? I love reading your blog. I got turned down recently too but does that stop me?! No way Jose!! Just keep on plugging along. One day you will be picked because your cards are just the best. I got my sewing machine because I wanted to be like "you" when I grow up. Come on Pam, please come back to us. I miss your posts already!! Sherri

Anonymous said...

Hi, Pam,
Joanie, here.
I am missing you at The Shack, so I brought my non-blogging self over here for a visit!
I just read your most recent posts here, and I am so in agreement with everyone about how amazing your work is! I, too, bought that little sewing machine because you inspired me!
Oh, and about those DTs that turned you down....You know what it is, don't you? They're intimidated by your talents! I firmly believe that!
Come back....Miss you to pieces!

Far North said...

Pam--I am so glad to know you are doing better but it is the pits that DTs are not recognizing your OUTSTANDING talent. Indeed you pour a lot of your sunny spirit in your cardmaking and WE love to see the results! So do know we miss seeing you and your work but certainly understand breaks are sometimes in order!...Jan

Anonymous said...

G'day Pam, I'm missing you at the Shack. I hope your pamper day was fun, and that you'll soon feel like visiting with us again.
To me, you are an inspiration everyday, and I am missing that.
Stay Strong

BarbK said...

Pam, I love your cards. Just keep on doing what you do and know that they bring joy to many, many people. I tagged you on my blog. Go check it out.