I've been procrastinating long enough and finally got busy this weekend and started a reference album for ALL MY STAMPS! :)
My primary purpose for doing this is to remember which sets I have so I'll use them more often! When typing the list, I was babbling to myself..."Oh, I forgot about this set and it's one of my favorites!"
The photo to the right is the cover I made for the white 3-ring binder I'm using. It has a clear insert on the front so this just slips down inside. (I tried to take a photo of it in the album and it glares.)
Most of my stamp sets are from Stampin' Up so I started typing those and it didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. I just carried a stack at a time over to the computer, typed them in and sorted the list alphabetically when I was done. Next to the name of the set, I have a column to "X" once I get a photo of that particular set in my album. Initially, I intended to STAMP a page for every set, but I came to my senses and realized that would probably take me the rest of my life. So... what I've done instead is cut apart old Stampin Up catalogs and mini catalogs. WHAT?!! Don't panic now... I had some duplicate ones from when I was a SU demonstrator. There is NO way that I would cut up ALL my wonderful SU cattys! Trust me, they are all alive and well and neatly organized on a book shelf here in my stampin room! Scared you there for a minute, didn't I? hee hee :)
Of course, I wasn't able to find all my sets in the extra catalogs, so I've been going online and using the Google image search to find photos. Once I find a decent photo, I print it out and add it to my notebook! From here on out, with any additional sets I buy, I intend to photocopy the labels before I assemble the set. At least, I think that might be the best way to get a good clear image and stay up to date with this.
Ok, so now you're wondering what I'm going to do with the hundreds of single stamps on my shelves. Hmmm....I'm not really sure yet! I could STAMP them all, but that means I would also have to CLEAN them all! :) What if I put them into categories and take photos to print out? Do you have ideas for me? All suggestions are appreciated!

Now that I've "found" all these neglected sets, I think it's time I inked them up!! Stay tuned for more later...Smiles,

Quote for Today ~
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~Don Marquis
I have been plotting this same thing for a while, but haven't gotten as far as you YET! I have been scanning the labels as I get the new sets and am thinking about just setting my sets and individual stamps upside down on the scanner to take "pics", not sure yet...I think I will use my stamps so much more when my book is complete too! Just out of curiousity...how did you organize your book?
I LOVE organizing!! Thanks for the ideas...keep 'em coming!!
This is FANTASTIC! I love to be organized...i'm NOT...but I'd love it just the same. I'm gettin' there, slowly. Great idea with the binder, i'll have to bookmark this post in my 'get organized' favorites folder!
I love this idea! I've been trying to do something similar, but lost my motivation. I think I'll try it again!
I have done the exact same thing-sets I can not find pictures for in my catalogs I bring to my copier and make a copy of the entire set right in the box. Works great, you will have to cover the box with something that will keep the light in since the top of the copier will not close with the stamp set in there. Hope this helps.
I can't wait to show your post to my DH as he thinks I'm NUTS for all the organizing I do. I have a similar binder (I scan in the index when I get the stamps or copy the image off SplitCoastStampers - most SU sets have an Index in the gallery as the first picture). I print my 'index' sheet and put it in a page protector in a 3 ring binder. As I make cards using the set or find samples that I might CASE, I print a small image of the card, cut it out and place it in the page protector. Of course my binder is set up in alphabetical order. I keep a spreadsheet with all the stamps (I have columns for year released, price paid, company, and any other notes (retired, how many pieces, etc.)). I even took the time to add a page of all the words/verses. I just list the text, what set it comes from and the style of print. This way when I'm looking for a certain sentiment or a Happy Birthday (from formal to kid print) I can easily find what set it's in without having to dig through everything. I keep my sets sorted in bins, alpheticaly. A-H in one bin, ect. There's still some digging, but not nearly as much as if I weren't somewhat organized.
GOOD LUCK as you finish the task. I won't tell you how many hours I spent when I first compiled my list and binder, but it's easy to keep up now that it's in place. If I sell a set or give it away, I just mark it as GONE from the database and remove the sheet from the binder.
Fabulous! That is exactly how I do mine. I buy mostly CTMH which come in four sizes so I have all the Size A, B ETC.... together and the picture cut out of the book. The actually stamp set is files in numerical order. Its so much easier to fine them!
You are so organized. The only tip I have to offer is that if you stamp all of your singles use grey or brown ink instead of black because it cleans up quicker. I try to keep the wood mounted ones on the wall so I can see them. The others are in a box and I don't use them much.
Such a COOOOOOOOL idea Pam!! I'm always looking to get organized. This sure helps... TFS! :)
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