Thank you to all my dear friends who called or emailed to see if I was still among the living. I'm happy to say that I am! :) I've still got an annoying tickle cough and lack energy, but I'm feeling SO much better! It would *really* help if our weather would warm up. It's still WINTER in Nebraska and we're all so so SO ready for SPRING

Anyway, on to my smiley story that I can't wait to share with you...
First, I should give you a little background in case you don't know this about me. I've worked at a steel manufacturing company for over 20 years and have an enormous smiley face collection that started at work years ago.
For the first 11 years, I was the receptionist and switchboard operator and took messages by hand. (Remember, this was before voicemail and email! :) When taking a message, I always signed it with my initials and a little round smiley face. Well, one thing led to another and my coworkers started leaving smiley face items on my desk. Over the years, I've changed positions/offices a few times and brought most of the smiley items home to a "smiley room" of their own. Currently, I'm the production coordinator and have what I consider a "few" smiley face things in my office. There is a smiley face neon clock, two framed posters on the wall and a few other smileys around the room. (I've got a previous post here on my blog from Christmas that has a photo of my office and I'll see if I can find it and link it here. )
I back to my story... last week our company was hosting a tour of the Target representatives responsible for deciding whether or not our company would receive the corporate account to provide all the steel joist and deck for all their new Target stores across the country. As this group was walking by my office to tour our plant, I greeted them and a couple of them stopped and commented that my office looked like Wal-mart!!! :) Oh geez! I think I said something like "Oh no, just trying to keep a positive attitude around here!"
Well, on Thursday the mail clerk called to say I had a package at the front desk from Target. I knew I hadn't ordered anything and wouldn't have had it sent to work, even if I had. Honestly, I had no clue what it was until I opened it. This is the really COOL part of my story...inside the box was the most adorable stuffed dog - "Bullseye" - Target's mascot! Along with it was a handwritten letter from John, the Regional Construction Manager, that read: "Pam, I thought this limited edition "Construction Bullseye" would be a nice way to offset the clearly innocent smiley faces in your office! He will keep you safe from the Wal-mart-esque influence of all those yellow faces. Enjoy!" I've attached a photo of it for you to read yourself. (click to enlarge) Needless to say, I was overwhelmed that he took the time to do this!!! I consider it a true random act of kindness and one I will never forget.

Over the years, I've experienced many situations such as this that have warmed my heart, renewed my spirit, and enhanced my love of the happy smiley face. Time and again I've witnessed the kindness and generosity of others and the positive influence of a heartwarming SMILE!
Sorry, this is so long, but I did want to share it with all of you dear friends in hopes that it brightens your day. Now, I've got some thank you cards to create and hope to have a card to post for you later. Smiles, Pam :)
WOW! How cool is this!! I love Target!! Thanks for sharing your story of love for smiley faces. I never knew how it all started and now I do. sherri
What a great story! Thanks for sharing with us.
what an awesome story - just makes me smile that there are still people out there who do nice things "just because"!!! You'll have to make him a card with the bulls-eye on it - LOL! I love target WAY MORE than Wal-mart but I can see why he thought that *giggle* - I really hope you all got the account!! Glad to hear you are feeling better, I missed ya!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Great story and so glad to see a new post. Been stalking your blog for a new post for days!
cute story and love your little gift from Target.
What a cute story Pam and I love your little gift from Target.
WOW Pam...that is so cool... I think the smiley faces fit your sunshine personality... Target is the best company... I give them money all of the time. LOL. Terry/scrappinnuts
Wow what a neat story. The smiley collector now makes sense. That's a good sign that you guys will get the account. Please let us know.
Pam, that is such a neat story and what a happy RAK to receive. I think Bullseye looks right at home among the smilie faces.
I'm smiling from your sweet story.
Jennifer :)
This is a wonderful story! I loved it from beginning to end. AWESOME!!! How funny and sweet!
Love your card but had to also comment on your story about Target. How I wish we had a Target in Canada!! How wonderful John took a few minutes to personalize a message to you - that is something that's really thoughtful. Just a couple of minutes of someone's time and it means a lot!
What a sweet, sweet story! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome, Pam. People love you, and that is a nice thing today!! Your letter wouldn't enlarge when I clicked on it. Congrats girlfriend!
Hi Pam
It's a lovely story and I can see why you felt so touched ...
PLUS .... I love your new "signature" .... the font and of course the happy face that "finishes" it off ;-) ;-)
That is the best story ever! :) Love it.
What a wonderful story. I heart Target. I worked there many years ago when it first came to CA. It's a great company. Not so fond of the other company, but I adore your collection.
What a FUN FUN story, Pam! Thank you so much for sharing it! Isn't is just amazing how a little thing can mean so much to someone else! God bless the Target guy!
Great story, Pam. I'm a big Target fan.
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